HCSRA Hint: Cost Sharing Reminders

June 13, 2023

Cost Sharing Reminders

Cost Sharing approvals typically require institutional sign-off in GMAS during the Proposal stage and Revision/Request stageWe would like to remind you to please notify Harvard Chan School's Cost Sharing Approver (Catalina Diaz) when a Cost Sharing request is ready for SPA review, PRIOR to locking-and-routing the GMAS request. After SPA's review, the approver will inform you when the GMAS request is ready to be locked for signatures. Note: When a new notice is logged in GMAS, it may cause a new Cost Sharing approval to generate; refer to the steps listed in the GMAS Revision for Cost Sharing job aid

GMAS Signatories: When locking-&-routing a Cost Sharing GMAS request for signatures, please list the following SPH roles as signatories:

  • Principal Investigator = PI. [For fellowships, please list the Mentor]
  • Department Approver = ADF
  • Sponsored Programs Approver = GMAS defaults to SPA AD but the Cost Sharing Approver will sign for this role
  • Cost Sharing Approver = Catalina Diaz [GM to notify approver after ADF & PI have signed the request]


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