Revised Job Aid: GMAS Research Team

February 19, 2021
Image of a scientist

Changes to Who Should be Included on the GMAS Research Team


With the launch of the new Outside Activities & Interest Reporting (OAIR) system, we have made some changes to the guidance regarding who should be included on the research team in GMAS.

For full details, please refer to the revised Managing the GMAS Research Team Job Aid.

In summary, the Harvard Chan School requires the following personnel on the research team for all sponsors: 

  • All Harvard personnel listed on the project
  • Non-Harvard personnel who:
    • Are listed as mentors
    • Are subrecipients that meet the criteria of Investigator* (as determined by the PI) and their organization does not have a financial conflict of interest (fCOI) policy. Do not include sub investigators that have their own fCOI policy. To determine whether a subrecipient organization has their own fCOI policy, check the FDP clearinghouse or the subrecipient statement of intent.

Do not include consultants. Do not include non-Harvard Other Significant Contributors (they do not have measured effort). 
*Definition: An “Investigator” means the PD/PI and those that are responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research

Notes: Please do not add any sub “investigators”/personnel to the research team in GMAS, unless they do not have their own financial conflict of interest (fCOI) policy. Also, only the PI will default as an “investigator” in GMAS, beyond that, please ask the PI to identify if there are other “investigators” on the project.  

If you have questions, please contact your SRA.