OVPR's Updated Guidance on Russia-related Sanctions & Impacts on University Research

March 7, 2022

OVPR has provided updated Export Control Guidance on Russia-related Sanctions and Impacts on University Research. Please carefully review the updated guidance.

Contact Harvard Chan School’s Export Control Administrator, Jennifer Neira at jneira@hsph.harvard.edu:

  • Before shipping or transferring, even by email, any items or technology to Russia or Belarus. 
  • If you currently have or anticipate any activities involving individuals, colleagues, businesses, universities, etc. in Russia, Belarus, Luhansk People's RepublicDonetsk People's Republic, or the Crimea regions of Ukraine including, but not limited to,: 
    • Collaborations on research or other projects
    • Exports from/imports to Russia, Belarus, LNR, DNR, or the Crimea Region of Ukraine
    • Technology exchanges with these regions
    • Travel to these regions
    • Financial dealings with individuals or entities in these regions