OLAW Waivers to Conduct Semiannual Facility Inspections Expiring Soon

September 19, 2022

NIH issued Notice NOT-OD-22-207 to inform Assured institutions that effective October 1, 2022, the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) will no longer accept requests due to COVID-19 to temporarily waive the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy) IV.B.2. requirement to inspect, at least once every six months (plus 30 days), all the institution’s animal facilities (including satellite facilities). Existing OLAW-approved waivers due to COVID-19 will also expire on October 1, 2022. All Assured institutions, including those with expiring waivers, will be expected to conduct semiannual facility inspections as scheduled and required by the PHS Policy.

For more information, refer to Notice NOT-OD-22-207.