Letters of Support

Source: ORSD Research Resource Portal

The Office of Research Strategy and Development (ORSD) coordinates all letters that are to be signed by the Dean’s Office (Michelle Williams, Dean of the Faculty). ORSD enhances and strengthens the language used in letters and also monetizes any resources being committed (new) or leveraged (existing). It is important that we have a working understanding of a project in order to determine which existing supports should be included in the letter and claimed as institutional commitments.

The process for requesting a letter of support will depend on the level of institutional commitment that is included in the letter. To request a Letter of Support or for questions about the process, please contact Vanessa Barton in the Office of Research Strategy and Development (vbarton@hpsh.harvard.edu).

Types of Letters of Support

There are two types of letters ORSD receives, reviews, and routes for signature:

  1. General proposal endorsement letter
  2. Letter of institutional commitment

1. General Proposal Endorsement Letter

General proposal endorsement Letters do not include a statement of any commitments, financial or otherwise, by the Institution.

Deadline for Requests

All requests must be made at least one-month prior to the proposal submission deadline and the materials outlined below must be included with your request.  

Required Materials

In order to review and approve your letter for signature, you are required to send the following materials to ORSD:

2. Letter of Institutional Commitment

Letters that include any new commitments (financial support; effort support; programmatic support) or leverage existing resources at the School or Institution must be vetted by ORSD. This includes letters for all training and Center grants that will provide graduate student support.

Deadline for Requests

All requests must be made at least two-months prior to the proposal submission deadline and the materials outlined below must be included with your request. 

Required Materials

In order to review and approve your letter for signature, you are required to send the following materials to ORSD:

  1. Specific aims of project (full proposal, if drafted)
  2. Draft letter of support (templates available below)
  3. List of institutional commitments
  4. Draft budget (if submitting a training grant)

Please contact Vanessa Barton in the Office of Research Strategy and Development (vbarton@hpsh.harvard.edu) to request a Letter of Support or for questions about the process.