Find Funding

ORSD Resources

Source: ORSD website

The Office of Research Strategy and Development collects and disseminates information about current federal, non-federal and internal funding opportunities. This section has been designed exclusively for assistance in identifying funding opportunities and grants. Note: While this list includes recent announcements from HSPH’s major funders, it is not an exhaustive list.

NIH Resources

NIH's Guide for Grants and Contracts is NIH's official publication of notices of grant policies, guidelines and funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). They publish daily and issue a table of contents weekly. Learn more about the NIH Guide and subscribe to receive updates.

Types of NIH Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs)

Type of FOA


Parent Announcements

  • Broad FOAs allowing applicants to submit an investigator-initiated application for a specific activity code
  • Many NIH institutes and centers (IC) participate
  • Usually ongoing (3 yrs)
  • Use standard due dates

List of Parent Announcements

Program Announcements (PAs)

  • FOAs issued by one or more Institutes and Centers to highlight areas of scientific interest
  • Encourage applications for a new or ongoing program
  • Usually ongoing (3 years)
  • Use standard due dates
  • Types of PAs:

PAS: with set-aside funds
PAR: special receipt, referral, and/or review considerations

Note: There is growing use of "Notices of Special Interest", rather than topic-specific PAs, to highlight areas of scientific interest. The notices designate existing FOAs to use for application submission.

Requests for Applications (RFA)

  • FOAs issued by one or more Institute or Center to highlight well-defined areas of scientific interest to accomplish specific program objectives

(Make sure the science you are proposing fits the scope of the RFA!)

  • Indicate the amount of set-aside funds
  • Indicate anticipated number of awards
  • Usually single due date
  • Institute/Center usually convenes review panel